Our Leadership 

Get to Know Our Lead Pastor: Pastor Joshua Kang 

Q: How has your relationship with faith and the church influenced your personal growth, values, and life direction over the years?

A: I grew up viewing the church as a safe, fun community throughout my childhood. The community was God’s channel in my life to reveal Himself and the Gospel to a broken sinner like me. While struggling with self-worth, fear of man, and my sins, I came to understand God’s eternal, unconditional, and abundant grace in Jesus Christ late in my teen years. Later, God used my campus church at Penn State University to deepen my relationship with Him and that is where I felt the call from the Lord to commit myself to vocational ministry.

Q: Tell us about you and your family!  

A: Josh studied at Dallas Theological Seminary, where his wife Lillian also pursued Biblical Counseling. Since 2018, they have been serving at Life & Fruit. LF/KCD has been a blessing from God to them, as it's the place where they met and got married. Josh was ordained at KPCA, and Lillian initiated a counseling ministry there, called Lifecare Services, with others.

"I love the church because it is God’s chosen instrument to be a blessing and ambassador of His grace–which I and my family have been a recipient of. We are His body and Christ is the Head." - P. Josh 

Life & Fruit Officers 

Joshua Kang

Pastor | joshua.s.kang@yonhap.org

Peter Sok 

Elijah Kim 

Raymond Lee 

Life & Fruit Ministry Leaders 

Kevin Kim 

Hospitality | kevin.kim@yonhap.org

Jessica Kim 

Raymond Lee 

Cathy Lee 

Missions & Outreach | catherine.s.kang@yonhap.org 

Kristen Drinkwater 

Missions & Outreach |

Caroline Shin 

Elizabeth Sok 

Han Kim

CG Leader | han.kim@yonhap.org

Samuel Ma 

CG Leader | samuel.ma@yonhap.org 

Jane Lim 

Jo Yen

CG Leader | jo.yen@yonhap.org

Elena Yen